Friday, May 27, 2011

maid of dishonor

     Bridesmaids was really funny.  I wont lie to you.  But I can't say that I liked this movie.  It was just too raunchy.  As a very Catholic chick, I just can't sit through this kind of thing and say I enjoyed it.  What made this movie so funny was the craziness in which the characters partook.  It wasn't because any of the characters had particularly funny or witty lines.  The humor came from the crazy, raunchy stuff they did.  Like taking a crap in the middle of a street- in a wedding dress.  A girl in one of my classes said that you shouldn't see this movie with your parents.  DEFINITELY DON'T.  The opening scene involves... never mind- I"ll let it be a surprise. The thing is basically a really long SNL skit.  Don't get me wrong- it's really funny.  I'm just trying to impart on you, my readers, what is in store for you when you buy tickets to this naughty comedy, staring many NBC comedy stars, many playing the same character they do on television.  Which I had no problem with because their characters are hilarious.  

                    3 out of 5 gasp-then-laughs

Sunday, May 22, 2011


I went to see Thor on opening night.  The theater was pretty crowded and we (my friend Maggie and I) ended up in the very back row next to these people who talked about nothing of real consequence the ENTIRE MOVIE.  Which was rather angering.  But even their incessant chattering couldn't take away from the awesomeness that Thor was.  It was the perfect opening to the season of summer blockbusters.  It met all the standards of a solid superhero movie, which some of those in Hollywood have been trying to avoid recently (goodness knows why). The main character had issues that which he fixed by the end of the movie (AHEM Iron Man) and I didn't despise any of the characters I was supposed to like (AHEM Spider Man). There was that moment when those watching actually thought Thor was going to die (he didn't of course).  It wasn't anything extraordinary, but it certainly wasn't disappointing. My knowledge of mythology comes in handy here.  Thor is from ancient Norse mythology, and he is indeed the god of thunder.  Thursday (the day of the week) is named for him- it was originally Thor's Day (Friday was originally Freyja's Day).  Thor was the god about whom the majority of myths from old Scandinavia were told, and who functioned as a cosmological protector of man and gods and gods alike. In mythology, he is a ginger, but I am totally okay with the blonde Chris Hemsworth.  I'm pretty sure the actual plot of the movie is taken from the comics and not mythology, but the most of the characters and their personalities are transferred right from those ancient times.  It's interesting that the first summer blockbuster in the year 2011 is derived directly from stories told to explain natural events as early as the 2nd century CE.  


4 out of 5 hammers

Friday, May 20, 2011

why, hello there

I never thought I would do this- start a blog.  I feel so obnoxious.  Recently, the only movie I have seen in theaters is Thor (review coming soon) and if I'm going to take this blog seriously, I should probably go to the theater more often... There is one thing you should now about me.  Actually there are many, but I'll tell you this one up front: I LOVE SUPERHERO MOVIES.  It's awful because I don't read comic books or anything, but I, just like the rest of America, love a good escapist fantasy.  I'm also taking a film studies class in school next year, so I'll keep you updated on that when it rolls around.  I'm also a super nerd when it comes to the music in movies (Michael Giacchino is ma fave). I love musicals, except when they are cheesy (hard to avoid). I watch a lot of tv. And I judge people and things and ideas all. the. time. I came to love film through my father. He is one of the few people who I can talk to about a movie. He got me a book of the top 100 movies ever and I'm slowly making my way through it and it's been interesting watching these classics that p=modern-day movies steal from. I have a background in mythology (we've established I'm a nerd), especially Greek and Roman. This gives me an interesting perspective on the way stories are told and the background as the most basic plot-lines.  Superhero movies also pull heavily from mythology from days of yore. Being a young woman (a teenage girl), I would usually enjoy chick flicks and rom-coms, but I would much rather watch and action movie or pure comedy.  Don't get me wrong, sometimes I fall subject to my girl instincts and watch a chick-flick here and there, but it isn't often. Just to let you know, I'll watch anything with Hugh Dancy or Ryan Reynolds in it. 

All of these factors combined make me not you average critic

And I also love parentheses (best form of punctuation EVER).