Saturday, February 2, 2013

Silver Linings Playbook

     Sorry guys, I couldn't come up with a clever title for this one.

     Over a four-day weekend recently, my boyfriend and I met up in Pennsylvania for a few days as a birthday present from my family (he goes to college in Massachusetts and I am still attending high school in Virginia). I had been wanting to see "Silver Linings Playbook" since it had come put and especially since it has been nominated for some Oscars. So we picked a theater, somehow navigated our way over there, and went to see it. A friend had warned me that it wasn't a rom-com by any standards, but that she thought I would still like it. I was optimistic, and it was rewarded.

     "Silver Linings Playbook" is one of the best movies I have seen in years. It was everything a movie should be. Every single character was believable and the story line was incredibly unique. It wasn't an artsy movie, there weren't any dutch tilts or other fancy angles, but it was well made. Since the movie was plot-driven, those things didn't matter much. Bradley Cooper and Jennifer Lawrence played crazy so well, I kind of thought they might actually have the disorders their characters had. I don't know if I have any other words to describe how beautiful this movie was. It made me laugh. It made me uncomfortable to the point that I was burying my face into my boyfriend's shoulder, begging him to "make the awkward stop." I'm pretty sure I was crying at the end, it was so perfect. If this movie is no longer in theaters near you, I implore you to watch it when it comes out on DVD. I didn't think Hollywood could make movies this good anymore, I had lost hope. But it has been restored, all thanks to this wonderful film.

5 out of 5 jujus

Just by the way, while looking for the poster to put in this post, I realised that this movie was a book first...