Sunday, March 3, 2013

Update 3/3/13

     Hello many readers of this blog! just wanted to update you on a couple of movies I've watched recently. I don't really have time to write full review, but I have seen some that were good.

Die Hard - Action classic, duh. No one told me that Snape was the villain, though! In my head, after he would gun someone down, he would say" I told you to turn to page three-hundred and ninety-four." The underlying tale of marital struggle was woven in quite nicely, only popping up at appropriate moments. 4 out of 5 shard of glass

Charade - I watched this one at a film club meeting on a Friday afternoon. It was just my friend and I who showed up. Though I like Cary grant and Audrey Hepburn very much, their age gap bothered me to no end. I hate that Hollywood just thinks it is okay to pair up an old dude with a young beauty. Not okay. I really wanted to know who had the money, which kept me interested, There were a lot of things I actually didn't see coming and that redeemed it a bit. 2 and a 1/2 out of 5 stamps

Little Big Man - This movie was just too long, I'm sorry. Can't get into all the things that bothered me in detail, but it made me laugh a few times so... 2 out of 5 scalps

The Social Network - My best friend has been bothering me to watch this for a while, and I finally did. I really liked the way that it isn't clear who is right and who is wrong. I never completely liked Jesse Eisenberg's Mark Zuckerberg either. Not too many movies these days will risk not having the audience be completely on the protagonists side. I felt really bad for Andrew Garfield's character, Eduardo Saverin. it didn't seem like he had done anything wrong. I didn't think this was possible, but I actually disliked Justin Timberlake for a few days after watching it. Great characters, cool interpretation of real event. And the Winklevoss twins were played by one actor! How crazy is that? 4 out of 5 socially awkward nerd-geniuses

The Bourne Identity - I liked this movie a lot. It was complicated enough to keep me interested, but not enough to make me confused, and eventually angry. Nothing spectacular, though. Solid 3 out of 5 secret government agencies

     I watched the Oscars in their entirety last Sunday night. I thought that Life of Pi should have been classified as an animated movie and that Skyfall should have won for cinematography. But things don't always go my way. Jennifer Lawrence is basically my favorite person and I'm desperately trying to find a way to be her best friend, so I'm very glad she won for her amazing job in Silver Linings Playbook. If you're looking for a giggle, go watch some of the footage of J. Law on the red carpet because she is just too precious.

     I am currently reading Let the Right One In in preparation for a double feature of both the Sweedish and the American film versions of the book. Hopefully I can find someone to watch them with me, because goodness knows I will have a hard time watching them alone.

My Watchlist:
Argo (no I haven't seen it YET)
Django Unchained (I promised my best friend we would watch it together because it would be weird to watch it with anyone else)
Lincoln (basically, I haven't seen any of the Oscar nominated films)
Day of the Jackal (a movie enthusiast friend suggested this one)

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